Cracking the Insomnia Triggers and Tips to Maintain a Healthy Sleep Sanctuary

sleepingpilluk SPUK
3 min readMar 31, 2022


First, we all know that sleep quality and quantity both matter in life. Again, for restoring the energy levels and improving the mood in the daily routine, everyone needs 7–8 hours of sleep at night. Similarly, getting sound sleep can heal the body and enhance the brain’s functioning of storing the memories to permanent storage. Sleep quality matters a lot and researchers say no one can replace the need for sufficient sleep at night.

Some say, taking naps can help them perform better in the daily tasks, but studies show that they delay the normal sleep cycle. Again, taking long naps in the day can ruin the release of melatonin at night, which triggers chronic insomnia symptoms.

How Sleep Loss Affects Your Health and Wellness?

Sleep loss signs in daily routine can trigger serious health problems, such as:

· Cardiovascular diseases

· High blood pressure

· Obesity

· Type-2 diabetes

· Stress and anxiety disorders

· Depression

Sound sleep is not a luxury, but it is an essential process for the body to function properly. Further, sleep experts say getting sound sleep at night can help you function properly and minimize health risks in your life.

Bedroom — Your Sleep Sanctuary; Tips to Get Sound Shut-Eye

Experts say sleep environment matters a lot when it comes to falling asleep easily and staying asleep peacefully. Again, choosing the right temperature and creating a sleep-inducing bedroom ambience can help you get sufficient sleep at night.

1. Cool Bedroom, All You Need in Summers

Experts say our body needs a cool and calm environment to release melatonin — the sleep hormone. Likewise, the temperature is the most crucial factor in maintaining a healthy sleep-wake cycle. The bedroom temperature should be between 67 to 73 degrees for an ideal sleep environment. Therefore, keep the bedroom temperature in the right range to fall asleep easily and avoid disruptions at night.

2. Colours

Paint the bedroom walls and ceiling in calming colours, use light colours to avoid sleep problems. Again, light colours can promote sleepiness and avoid stress signs too. Therefore, try to paint soothing colors and prevent high-contrast colors in the bedroom for a better sleep-wake cycle.

3. Prepare for Quick Sleep

Use a sleep mask, turn off your phone or set bedtime mode in it and avoid bright lights to tell your brain that you are ready for sleep. Again, the brain releases the melatonin for better sleep quality at night. Therefore, to induce sleepiness, listen to music, avoid blue screens, read a book, take a hot shower and try deep breathing to fall asleep on time. Avoid sleep disruptions, like do not eat heavy foods before bedtime, avoid binge-watching phone and TV in the bedroom and do not let stress ruin your sleep cycle.

4. Invest in Good Mattresses

Further, buy good and cool mattresses and pillows with natural fabric, they promote sleepiness at night. Using a sleep-inducing mattress and pillows can help you fall asleep easily and stay asleep peacefully. In addition, you can try sleeping naked to get sound sleep at night.

5. Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol

Do not drink caffeine and alcohol, they cause sleep problems and stress signs too. Therefore, it is better to avoid them and try herbal drinks to fall asleep on time and get sufficient hours of sleep at night.

6. Experts

If needed, talk to sleep experts and understand your triggers of poor sleep at night. They can guide you on the best ways to counter sleeplessness in daily life.


To this end, sleep is the most important part of our daily lives. Again, getting sufficient sleep at night can improve overall health and fitness. Therefore, it is better to avoid sleep loss triggers and choose the best hacks to counter sleeplessness in daily life. For more visit SPUK

